4 Steps to Piano Care

Step 1. Tune your piano every 6 months

for better performance and longevity. It helps maintain string tension on the bridges and soundboard. Regular tuning ensures a healthy piano and fosters long-term client relationships.

I make it easy on all of my clients by sending automatic emailed reminders when it’s time for the next tuning!


Step 2: 42%RH (relative humidity) is your friend.

for better tuning stability and piano durability. I install Piano Life Saver Systems to adjust moisture levels for your piano's well-being without hassle.


 Step 3: Keep it clean.

I provide all of my clients with regular cleaning (once per year, or every other 6 month tuning) with a PLATINUM Service. This allows me time to clean out your inner action parts (which allow the keys to work), strings, soundboard, tuning pinfield, keytops & exterior cabinetry. This will help ensure your piano will work better for longer.


Step 4: Regulate & Voice Periodically


Regulation means resetting or adjusting the keys & 5,000 internal actin parts to keep the working efficiently and more dynamically. When your keys are hard to play softly, it’s time to regulate. I offer 3 levels of regulation: Express, Concert Prep, & Complete Action Regulation.


Voicing refers to the timbre of sound, or tone quality. If your piano’s tone is not warm & dynamic, or you’d like to get more quality sound out of it, it’s time to voice. I offer 3 levels of voicing: Light Voicing, Moderate Voicing, & Complete Voicing.