It’s A Piano Hunt!

Knowing where and what to look for are what I’m equipped in helping you with. I have outlined 2 methods below on how I can help you purchase your next pre-owned piano.

Option 1: Hire Randy To Inspect

You perform your own search online and, once you find a piano that piques your interest, you hire me to inspect the piano. Tip: If you play piano, it’s wise for you to go see it 1st. Then, if you like it enough, you hire me to inspect the piano. Inspection costs vary between $225 to $275 + tax depending on the town the piano is located in. Caution: There are MANY pianos being advertised in ‘excellent condition’ or ‘ just needs tuning ‘ by the owner to which the pianos are actually in horrendous internal shape. Most often, the owner blindly puts a value on their piano, regardless of the condition, assuming that if it looks nice, it is nice. If you don’t want to waste $ on paying to inspect each piano, seek out Option 2.

Option 2: Hire Randy To Search, Inspect, Move, Recondition, & Sell It Back To You

First, I perform a search.

I look on multiple sites for pianos that match your criteria. For vertical pianos (consoles, studios, & pro-model verticals), I look for pianos under a $1,000 asking price. If you like the looks of it, I will give you a “final purchase price” which will include a warranty exclusively through 88 On Pitch, and a piano that has been gone through in order to ensure the tone, tuning, & performance are where they should be. After your approval, I evaluate the piano and once if the piano is structurally sound without major damage to the exterior/soundboard/bridges/strings, we move forward with the purchase of the piano.

I then gather the money from you including moving expenses.

I buy the piano outright from the seller and move it to our location here in Canton, CT to begin working on regulating, tuning, & voicing it.

In 2 to 3 weeks, I recondition the piano back into excellent standards, clean it internally, polish it externally, tune it, and warranty it with a *5 year limited warranty. The warranty covers performance issues that may arise (*fire, flood, acts of nature, extreme heat or cold temperatures, poor humidity levels above 55% & below 35%, & deliberate abuse & neglect void the warranty. Keytop damage, finish damage, tunings, & string breakage are excluded from the warranty).

When the piano is ready...

Once I’ve completed the work, you come see and play the piano. If you decide to buy it for the previously agreed “Final Purchase Price”, the piano is yours and you pay the remainder of the total due and moving expenses.

If you decide you don’t want the piano after I’ve performed the work…

If, for whatever reason, you decide you do not want this piano after all the work has been done, you are reimbursed the initial amount you paid the seller for the piano MINUS the moving expenses. The piano is then mine to keep and sell.